(Continued from last posting)
Now both the armies are there facing each other. On one side is our samskaras and fruits of Karmas represented by Kauravas and on the other hand is our self consciousness represented by Pandavas. The army of samskaras are being lead by Duryodhana or by lust, greed, anger, fraud and all unethical things. On the other hand army of self consciousness is being led by Arjun, our inner self, who has all the confidence because of “Sat Chitta Swarupa” The Lord Supreme Krishna. It seems that the army of Kauravas is stronger than the army of Pandavas. Those who are enlightened knows that this is wrong as the forces of inner self are much more stronger than the forces of all samskaras.
Duryodhana goes to Drona and asks him to have a careful look on the army of pandavas. The commander of kaurava army is Bhishma and the commander of Pandava army is DhrishtaDumnya. Incidentally DhristaDumnya was disciple of Drona himself and now both are facing each other in battle field.
It happens some times that to justify our wrong deeds, we start giving it a justified cause. So that we can console ourselves that we are right. The leading of Kaurava army by Bhishma can be understood by this. Bhishma was enlightened and a great bhakta of Krishna. But still he was forced to lead Kaurava army.
Duryodhana tells to Drona that the our army lead by Bhishma has unlimited powers and this army of Pandavas have limited powers. Then he goes on telling that from all side please protect Bhishma.
From here we can understand a few important things. First is that our Buddhi in the influence of samskaras, try to overcome the desire to enlightenment by portraying in a manner that it is on the correct path. For this it hides itself behind the mask of Bhishma or something through which, it can assume that I am correct. On the other hand, it also tries to protect that mask as it knows that it is the Mask, through which it can survive in front of the forces of enlightenment.
Though the Buddhi tries to convince itself, it knows that it is week.
Then Sanjay reports to Dhritarashtra that seeing Duryodhana confused, Bhishma blew his conch. Here there may be two meanings; one that he wanted to produce confidence in Duryodhana and another that perhaps he thought that the auspicious sound of the conch may throw away all the bad out of Duryodhana. And then following him all the Braves from Pandavas blew their conch.
The sound of conch is supposed to cleanse a person from inside and as the battle field got filled up with noise of the Pandava Conches, the maligned souls of kauravas got shaken.
Here maligned souls means a soul which is under deep impressions of samskaras and fruits of karmas and so lost its true identity of “Sat-Chitta-Anand”.
Arjun asks Krishna to take his chariot in between the two armies so that he can see all the armies of Kauravas.And so the Lord guides the chariot in between the two armies.
It is just like The Lord directing the soul that these are your enemies in the path of enlightenment, see them carefully and be ready with the entire arsenal to fight with them. Yes, entire arsenal because this army of samskaras and the sense organs are very strong and as Krishna says later in Gita that these sense organs hijack the buddhi just like the wind and thuder overtakes a ship in the Sea.
Now here the “Vishaad” yoga starts. After seeing his own relatives, friends, cousins etc. on the other side of battle field, Arjun fells deep into remorse “Oh, for whom all the luxury of the earth is needed, I am getting ready to fight with them only……without them how I can enjoy these luxuries”?
This represent the “Antar-dvanda” or the “Inner-conflict” of the Buddhi. It wants to get enlightenment but still do not want to clean the dust, because of which, it is not able to recognize the true nature of self.
This shows that how much difficult it is to overcome the armies of senses.
First of all we do not know our true self. Then once we know, but do not try to recognize that. If we try to do, all except a few gets defeated by the armies of senses and past samskaras. But a few who have complete faith in the holy feat of Lord, gets enlightenment.
(to be continued)
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