How to please God? It is a very interesting question. But before the question of How? first the question should be Why?
So now there are two questions, Why and How to please God?
God is to be pleased so that we can go beyond the worldly affairs. So that we can be cool, calm and healthy in this life and get bliss. If this world has joy, it has sorrow and pain as well. The life is nothing but a bubble of time, which can explode anytime and then nobody will be of help except one's own karma. No friend,relative or close one will be of any help. Help can come only from the Lord.
We should know that I am not this body, I am the soul. The realization is enlightenment and for this reason God needs to be pleased.
If karma are dedicated to God, he will be realised.
"...those who dedicate me everthing...I takes care of them". Lord announces in Gita.
So the God needs to be pleased. Now question is How?
"Life is full of sorrow", declares Buddha. And to get rid of it, all the desires needs to be overcome.
How the desires can be overcome?
"..These senses are very strong O Arjun...they captures the mind just like strong winds capture a boat in the sea"..(Lord in Gita)
There are two ways in my opinion.
One way is to leave everything and take Sanyasa. Search for Lord and dedicate everything to him. Leave all what you have, this will help in detachment with the senses and slowly the mind will move towards Lord.
But this path may not be practical for all. As per Sanataan Dharma, only the last phase of life is for Sanyasa, then what is the alternative?
In daily life also a person can be a Sanyasi.
".....He should be like lotus leaf in water...though it is in water, but water can not stay on it."
"...just like tortoise squeezes himself, similarly when a person squeezes his senses from outsoide world, he realizes me"
(Lord in Gita)
Let me ask one simple question from you!
When two people can be friends?
Two people can be friend when they have some similar habits. Two people who have totally different qualities can never be friends.
There is a tradition in India to match horoscope before marriage. Some minimum matching of behavior is needed before marriage process goes ahead.
Similarly If I wants to please God, then I must have some minimum number of habits which resemebles God, then only I can be close to him.
Just like a person with good qualities and habits attracts everybody around him, similarly such person attracts God also.
So we have drawn some good conclusions here:
we need to please God so that we can go beyond the cycle of life and death, joy and pain etc.
We can please God by simply changing some of our habits by incorporating those, which may attract God towards us! So Simple!!!! Isn't It?
Let us see some satsang by Shri Chinmoy.
He says:
"What I am is aspiration. If I want to please Him more, then I must never consider my life a sad failure, but rather a constant experience of His. If I want to please Him most, not only in one but in every aspect of life, then I must feel that, unlike me, He sees my life, inner and outer, as the Song of His own Life Breath, the Song of His perfection, growing into His own perfect Perfection Absolute."
He says further:
"The easiest and most effective way to please God is by constant and unconditional self offering. Let us try. We shall, without fail, succeed. Lo, God is standing right in front of us. He is pleased. God is really and truly pleased with us."
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